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Every Thursday at ROBINS - Doors Open 7:30pm

Comedy Brew - the English Stand-Up Comedy Open Mic in Zürich

Comedy Brew is an Open Mic Comedy Show at ROBIN's at Zähringerstr 33, 8001 Zürich … just 2 minutes from Central tram stop and 5 minutes from the main station.

Chris Darwa on stage at Comedy Brew - the English Stand-Up Comedy Open Mic in Zurich

Come and see both the best local talent trying new material and new-comers to comedy getting their first taste. It’s always a wild, fun and unpredictable night.

What's a Comedy Open Mic?

It's a comedy show where experienced comedians try new jokes and new comedians try comedy for the first time. Usually we've got at least 10 comedians performing on the night, so there's something for everyone. And if you'd like to try comedy yourself check out our page on performing for the first time

When Does it Start?

The doors open 7:30pm on Thursday evenings and we’re usually done by 10pm latest.

What about ROBIN'S?

ROBIN’s is a multifaceted gem in the heart of Zürich. Begin your day with expertly brewed coffee in a warm and inviting atmosphere.

Friend staff at ROBINs, featuring Maria

Beyond serving as a café and restaurant, ROBIN’s transforms into a lively bar where the staff treat you like a long-lost friend.

In the evening at ROBINs coffee

The venue is also a vibrant cultural hub, hosting an eclectic range of events— from electrifying stand-up comedy and soulful live music, to engaging quiz nights and unique second-hand clothing markets.

How to get there?

Any tram or bus that stops at Central then walk around the corner to ROBIN's - directions to the ROBINs on Google Maps here.

Outside ROBINs

Relaxing after a busy day at ROBINs

Moments from Past Shows

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